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Rio 529

82.688,00 kr

834 Cicognino

10.395,00 kr


Et let og legende design af italiensk arkitekt og designer Franco Albini

Dubbed Cicognino, or “little stork”, this iconic design, is clean-cut and refined, witty yet reassuringly familiar. Franco Albini designed this table by reducing the frame to its essentials: the three slender legs, a table-top 40cm in diameter, and a wooden trim that makes it reminiscent of a tray. One of the three legs extends higher than the others, ending as a handle that can be used for moving the table about. Meantime, the table-top serves as a link between the other parts, augmenting the overall sense of balance and stability. The attention to detail and the unusual shape make this a highly expressive piece with an accomplished style that plays well in any context.



H 80 cm / B 40 cm / D 41 cm



     Naturlig Eg                             Sortfarvet Eg                              


    Amarantfarvet Eg                Amerikansk Valnød


